I’m actually not a programmer but not sure if I ever wanted to be one, but somehow I noticed I was “good” at it.
Best advice I have ever been given is a bit weird… Looks a bad thing but I understood it as a challenge so it becomes my motto: “You will never fall of NASA’s stairs”, from a random old man many years ago. Probably I won’t but will try.
If you get fun while doing something, studying, working, in sports or whatever, that’s success.
No limits, I am not a full time programmer but when I do is often overnight will very very late.
I guess, most of tjhe times I can’t remember my dreams so probably they are work related :).
No secret at all but 95% of the job is read Stack Overflow.
Of course, this is like a Lego building but on esteroids, anybody can program/build things, just need to start and go bit by bit.
He/she would of course look like Mr. Robot and his/her superpower would be to be able to drink coffee while sleeping.
It is not rocket science, well… It is but anybody with dedication can do this. It is really fun (sometimes), that moment you see code working anddoing the task is magic.
You can fix a toaster just because is a machine.
Riding, bycicles and motorcycles are my tool to de-stress.
Punk, drum&bass, ska, dub, techno… Can’t work without music, and every single task needs a different mood.
Golang and Python.